The Advantages of Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

Woman stood in front of yellow background removing clear dental aligners from teeth

Teeth Straightening is a cosmetic dental treatment that can help to bring confidence back to your smile. 

Fixed braces have been available to help straighten teeth for years, slowly altering the placement of teeth until they are aligned as desired. Whilst traditional braces were designed to help children and teenagers, they can also be used on adults. 

Getting straighter teeth without Traditional Braces is possible with Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a clear dental aligner that is placed over the teeth like a mouth guard. 

These invisible orthodontics brace trays fit directly over the teeth to provide dental straightening treatment whilst being a subtle dental solution for those who find traditional braces daunting or too noticeable.

Dental patients are provided with a set of Invisalign trays that have been fitted to their teeth, these trays are regularly swapped out for a new set that is slightly different, slowly altering your bite to provide a straighter smile.

What are the advantages of Invisalign?

Invisalign use clear aligners as an alternative to traditional braces which are virtually invisible. 

Eating or Drinking 

With Invisalign the clear dental aligner trays are easy to remove, allowing you to eat, drink and clean your teeth as normal.
The braces are also easy to clean with a toothbrush and water, allowing you to prevent decay and damage whilst still enjoying your favourite diet.

Invisalign are a Comfortable Alternative to Traditional Braces

Whilst Invisalign adds pressure to your teeth in order to straighten them, it is much more subtle.  As the trays are easy to remove you can take short breaks from wearing your braces for comfort, whilst the tray is made from a smooth virtually invisible material that does not cut or scratch the inside of your mouth.

Virtually Invisible Braces

Invisalign use clear aligners as an alternative to traditional braces, which are virtually invisible. These are not fixed onto your teeth, allowing you the flexibility to take the aligners out to enjoy whatever food and drinks you would normally eat without any

Discover Invisalign Braces Today With The Dentists Old Market

Laugh and smile with confidence whilst straightening your teeth with Invisalign treatment from The Dentists Old Market.
Get in touch with our friendly team to find out more about our treatments, or check out our full range of dental care services today.