The Benefits of Invisible Braces

If you are self conscious about your teeth or unhappy with your smile, you may find yourself considering adult braces. Adult braces are becoming more and more popular, especially as discreet and invisible braces are now a common option. With invisible braces, your teeth can be straightened and your smile transformed in a subtle way. When you consider the benefits of invisible braces, it’s easy to see why so many adults and teens are on board.

4 Reasons to Choose Invisible Braces

  1. Invisible Appearance – As the name suggests, invisible braces are invisible in appearance. They are completely clear – this is thanks to clear brackets, tooth coloured wires and clear aligners – which means they are not as obvious as traditional braces. They don’t take away from your face or smile, and they are a lot less noticeable. Traditional braces are easy to see up close, but this isn’t the case with invisible alternatives.
  2. They Look Natural – A lot of people have braces, but many adults and teenagers don’t like the idea of other people seeing them with braces. Simply, they feel embarrassed or self conscious. Though you want straight teeth, you may not want your braces to be noticeable when you’re talking to other people or having your photograph taken. Luckily, invisible braces are natural looking and usually go unnoticed.
  3. Improve the Appearance of Teeth – Whether you have Invisalign or Six Month Smiles, invisible braces improve the appearance of teeth in a considerable way. A lot of dental issues can be solved with invisible braces, such as spacing and crooked teeth. Invisible braces will leave you with a smile to be proud of.
  4. Impressive Results As dental technology continues to improve, the results achieved by invisible braces are hard to beat. Many people will see desirable results within six months to a year of having their invisible braces fitted, which is a lot sooner than in the past with traditional braces. Plus, thanks to computerised treatment and progression estimates, it’s possible to determine what will be achieved prior to treatment.


As you can see, there are a number of benefits that come with opting for invisible braces. At The Dentists Old Market, we offer Invisalign and Six Month Smiles, both of which boast fantastic results. To find out more about invisible braces and improving the appearance of your teeth, get in touch with our team.